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Neopaque 8 oz. / 240 ml

Erhältlich in 13 opak-deckenden Farben, alle Farben beliebig miteinander mischbar, gut siebdruckfähig!
Zum Anpassen der Viskosität empfehlen wir unseren synthetischen Verdicker (50 und 100 ml), der tropfenweise zugegeben und gut eingerührt wird.
Der (farblos/deckende) Extender # 579 kann auch mit den PearlEx-Pigmentpulvern für eigene! Metallicfarben gemischt werden.
580 Yellow, Gelb
581 Gold Yellow, Goldgelb
582 Magenta, Magentarot
583 Red, Rot
584 Blue, Blau
585 Turquoise, Türkis
586 Violet, Violett
587 Green, Grün
588 Black, Schwarz
589 White, Deckweiss
590 Ochre, Ocker
591 Russet, Rotbraun
592 Brown, Braun
Anleitung / Instructions:
Farben mischen / Mixing Colors: Jacquard Neopaque comes in 13 and you can easily mix them to make any color you desire.

Creating Pastels: You can mix #589 Neopaque White into any other Neopaque color to create pastels. Try mixing in a little at first and then adding more if you want to increase the effect.

Increasing Transparency: You can increase the transparency of any color by adding #579 Flowable Extender to it. The more you add the more transparent the color will be.

Increasing Transparency & Flowability: You can increase both transparency and flowability by adding up to 25% water. This will give you more of a watercolor effect.

They also mix beautifully with Lumiere, Textile Colors, and Dye-Na-Flow.

Neopaque Colorless Extender is an excellent medium for Pearl Ex Powders. Adding Pearl Ex to the other Neopaque colors will result in a muted metallic effect due to the opaque nature of the paints.

Jacquard Neopaque can be applied with brushes, stamp pads, squirt bottles, screenprint and airbrush. For airbrushing thin with water up to 25%.

Fixing: After drying, Jacquard Neopaque must be set with heat. There are several ways to do it:

Ironing: This is the best method. Use a dry iron and iron on the reverse side on the appropriate setting for the fabric.

Dryer: Have the dryer on as hot a temperature as the fabric will take for about 35 to 45 minutes.

Cleanup: Promptly clean all tools with warm water.


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